School registration form 2024/2025

    Child/student information

    Child's First Name *

    Child's Surname *

    Preferred Name (optional)

    Child's Date of Birth *
    (day/month/year - 31/12/2010)

    Is a child's sibling registered at our school?
    Please give the name of their sibling

    Home Address (including postcode)*

    Telephone Number*

    Email *

    Name of Parent/ Primary Carer, including relationship to a child*

    Name of Other Parent/Carers & Relationship to Child

    1st Emergency Contact (Name, Telephone Number and Relationship to Child) *

    2nd Emergency Contact (Name, Telephone Number and Relationship to Child) *

    Name and telephone number of all people and their relation to the child who will normally collect them from school apart from a parent/carer completing this form.

    Child's School/Preschool/Nursery in the UK in the academic year 2024/2025*

    Child's UK School Group in the Academic Year (Year 1, Preschool, etc ...) *

    Medical and health information

    Any medical issues or health problems we should know about? *

    Any medication?

    Is you child allergic to anything? *

    Please give details of the medical conditions/ issues and allergies (medical care plan)*

    Is there anything your child cannot eat? Is your child following a special diet, vegetarian etc.? *

    Any other information about your child you want us to know, e.g. what they like, what they are scared of etc.? Is there anything our teachers can provide to help your child feel more welcome? Please give details of any information about your child that we should know, so that our teachers can respond to the situation in the best way. Thank you *

    Does your child have SEN (special educational needs)?

    If yes please give more details. (We will be happy to provide assistance, extra help and individual plan)

    Doctor's Details (Name, address, telephone) *

    Course preference and child's language skills

    Course Preference *
    Czech SchoolCzech Preschool (3-5 years)Slovak SchoolSlovak Preschool (3-5 years)Czech School Club "Čeština zábavně a hravě" (8 years+)Art clubBook clubOnline classesSports club, workshopsMusic club, workshopsArts & Crafts workshopsReading with children (online)Language games (online)

    Are you interested in something else? What out-of-school activities would you prefer (e.g. story time, family events, trips, etc.)?

    Child's First Language(s) & Other Languages *

    Communication in Czech/ Slovak Language *

    Please describe

    Is your child enrolled at a primary school in the Czech Republic or Slovakia? *

    The school contact details (name and email address)

    Do you regularly take exams at your child's primary school in the Czech Republic or Slovakia at the end of each school year? *

    If yes, please give details of your child's last completed exam (school year)

    Has your child attended our school before?

    Or has he/she attended similar language school, club or online course somewhere else? Let us know what setting/ course please. *

    Have you got any learning resources you use at home? Or have you been given/ recommended any by your child's school in Czechia or Slovakia? Write them down please.

    Parental Consent

    Do you give permission for your child to go on a local outing during school lessons? (St George Park or St George Library have been our usual and only destinations so far and we would always let you know in advance. If we plan a trip to other sites we would always send a separate form to ask for your permission.) *

    GDPR. I give permission CSCS Bristol CIC to keep the above personal records in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 for the period of a child attending CS School Bristol? *

    To comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, we also need your permission before we can take any photographs or make any recordings of your child. Do you give permission for photographs / videos to be taken of your child for publicity purposes? *

    Other info

    Are you interested in supporting/volunteering for CS Community and School Bristol CIC? How could you help? What are your qualifications, skills, hobbies, etc.?

    Please, give us more details